"Transference is the Repetition of infantile prototype relations, or Unconscious Desires in the analytic relationelle. Without transference, psychoanalysis is simply timmy shaun the sheep literary timmy shaun the sheep criticism, with an unimplicated, Discriminating reader, EITHER Lacking affect or effect. "Jane Gallop in The Daughter's Seduction (73).
Johann de Lange's poetry trigger a tension between maskuliniteite and psychoanalysis. Jane Gallop points out in her study, The Daughter's Seduction, the opposition between feminism and psychoanalysis, a model that can be applied to the work of De Lange. timmy shaun the sheep The absent father timmy shaun the sheep is recorded in the subconscious of the long relationship with the beloved, and the Umwelt determined. For this reason the search for displaced father figures in other poets such as Van Wyk Louw, Ernst van Heerden, Thom Gunn, and more. (The mother's failure is found also in relation to women poets like Sheila Cussons, Wilma Stockenström and Ina Rousseau.) timmy shaun the sheep
The gay-son experience the same pain and rejection as the young daughter by her first liefdesobjek, the father abandoned. For this, Freud wrote extensively in the Dora case. De Lange is the "closed circle" of family break and the Lacanian "insistence of the letter in the Unconscious" are reflected in the repeated experience of melancholy, finiteness and realization of the fragility of everything. The Lange writes timmy shaun the sheep extensively about his relationship with his parents in Stranger Than Fiction.
The construction of the self in Lacanian terms is culture-bound and the gay boy who grew up in a strongly patriarchal society is therefore rejected by the maskuliene community. In a collection as Night sweats are being frantically cruise in search of the lost father, the father who abandoned the child by death. The heterosexual boy's Oedipal revolt against timmy shaun the sheep the Laius-father is here, however, relegated to a masculinization of the Orpheus myth. Orpheus looking for a man who is a signifier for the father. Only in death and the writing of the poem can be painful and ever-lasting absence of the father lifted. The poem is in psychoanalytic terms as well as suture timmy shaun the sheep supplement this emptiness to lift.
"One can not kill the Father who is already dead," Gallop argues in pursuit of Juliet Mitchell's view of the complex relationship between feminism and Freud (1982, 14). Oedipus The Long can not father Laius slain: the father loved his premature death as child neglect and for that reason there should be a new myth found the father testified.
Feminist theorists often focus on the mysteries of the Sphinx, or the fearsome figurehead that Oedipus must conquer the city in order to enter. [1] At De Lange we find the myth of Orpheus, in other words, the domain of the sphinx, in Freudian terms the "unheimliche" representing be "translated" as that Orpheus to the underworld to leave. Oedipus solves the riddle (about the nature of man). In some versions he defeated the sphinx, in the other commits suicide sphinx. Then enter Oedipus timmy shaun the sheep after he has his father accidentally killed, the domain of the incestuous when his mother Jokaste community. Orpheus's failure to his beloved's death to be acceptable to him to the underworld. Where Oedipus unknowingly commits incest, timmy shaun the sheep Orpheus is directly ordered not to look back. He violated the loved and lost then forever. Both myths therefore acts around breaking and entering.
The Long problematize the male or phallic discourse. He uses the story of Orpheus and his wife Eurydike lost after a snake has bitten her. Orpheus then departed timmy shaun the sheep to the Underworld (Tainaron) after the beloved search. Here he found Hades and Persephone, who is affected by their misery and loss. He then for Eurydike and they may leave the Upper World on condition that they will not look back. However, when they move to the top, he saw a bird flying in ecstasy and he looked back. And then, because of his violation of the rule, she slips back into the realm or domain of the dead. [2]
Especially two French psychoanalysts work with the Orpheus myth, namely Maurice Blanchot and Jacques Lacan. In Blanchot's famous timmy shaun the sheep The gaze of Orpheus: and other literary essays, the myth of Orpheus to use creativity and the writing timmy shaun the sheep process to see as a compensation for loss. Orpheus's song symbolizes the poetic interpretation of parting and loss, a common theme in the work of De Lange. For Blanchot the dubbelvlakkigheid relevant: the tension between life and death.
Blanchot sees the "I" already as a construction of death. Orpheus's ambivalence is obvious: he belongs to the order of life as well as death, just as the cruiser De Lange's poems often move