Monday, May 25, 2015

DUSS .... I am now at marni room! The flight went goooeed naruto shippuden dragon blade chronicles

DUSS .... I am now at marni room! The flight went goooeed naruto shippuden dragon blade chronicles but there was a crying baby and toddler behind us, maaar earplugs help good = p when we got fat cheap $ 17 we were dropped off outside the hotel! The son took 4 hours before we finally had a room, fat long queue stood for baalie! and then we had to turn warren I (of course) not enough money !! so I had ff I withdraw the streets and all those renegade taxis honking o_O did not pass the mn! I did not understand completely nix afterwards I had done just the wrong -_- then paid belongings brought to the room and came marni our halls and we went to chinatown fat gezzelig only I already felt so good when I had eaten badly as had not hungry and had an jetleg and here to Tokyo! So I threw up soon and another and another and when we are but quickly went to the hotel and go sleeps mer clothes and already! (5 o'clock pm lokaale time we went so sleeps), then of course it was no surprise that we have been waiting 3 hours snacht were awake! bounced around the room and go to sleep again, just next day I felt fine again, shame it was so bad weather (thunderstorms and lots of rain) when they Shira and I went shopping nice that morning which I have no idea it's really a maze but we found the hotel again! Then came marni us at 6 o'clock PM in halls and we are eating out was in Time Square !! (Burger and fries) gamaakt many pictures and went to the M & M store and the Disney store! jo totally fun! ff then went to a park and some nice sat outside and talked to grapige males. and today I am being nice sun in Central naruto shippuden dragon blade chronicles Park with music and delicious fruitjes and an ice cream !! eoeoeoeo and so we're going to sit on the roof of a building (which is where marni live) a nice little chill! haha and watch the beautiful fireworks !! because it is the 4th of july! SO really cool !! In short, naruto shippuden dragon blade chronicles it is delicious here! of me I had been allowed to go! only the exhaust gases is hierow occasionally have to be sick! and it's hot today heeerlijk an 35 degrees = p and I do misss and my sweet little people naruto shippuden dragon blade chronicles mom versus dad brother sus LOVE YOU ALL hihihi ash
Hi dear Ash, very nice to read something from you !! Looks like you have the very sense to you, lekkerrrrr. Was so cool to see yesterday by GPS you were in Central Park, haha! I hope the BBQ and fireworks were beautiful. Well, enjoy it with delicious, heeeel veeel fun, we miss you, we love you, we will see you soon! BIG Kissss Reply Delete
Hey sweetie! What did you like it! Be proud that you have taken the step! You're doing great !!! Great comments naruto shippuden dragon blade chronicles from Tom and Terry !!! Am so curious about your stories! XOXOMoekieXOXO Reply Delete

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