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The Lone Survivor meets Yanks wearing modern mcdonalds smurfs camouflage regalia traditionally dressed Afghans with black eyeliner under the eyes. As quickly as children we knew who was the villain mcdonalds smurfs in Aladdin, we notice that the stereotypes unfortunately has not changed appreciably in adulthood. Friday 14/2 15:12
Contrary to what I expect out of a war narrative so does the movie Lone Survivor no political mcdonalds smurfs positions, problematize not over the ravaging civil war in Afghanistan mcdonalds smurfs or taking a position on the U.S. "war on terror," mcdonalds smurfs even though the film is set as the war lasted as violent mast.
Instead, Lone Survivor, based on a biography of the same name written by Marcus Luttrell, a war-glorifying elegy to the memory of the author's fallen comrades during the failed military mission Red Wing in 2005.
Early in the film we see the squinting Taliban leader, who is also the villain in the drama Ahmad Shah (Yousuf Azami) with deformed ears, do classically evil deeds in front of wide-eyed innocent children in a small mountain village. This while the good American heroes (Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitch, Emile Hirch and Ben Foster) lovingly mcdonalds smurfs and dancing should be added, mcdonalds smurfs bondar with each other in the Navy SEAL camp.
At times I get the feeling that the film wants something more than just being a tired battle between good and evil and sometimes the film is stumbling close to saying something about the moral aspects of war. Unfortunately, the feeling quickly into something else and I get the impression that I'm mcdonalds smurfs watching a propaganda film. A two-hour mcdonalds smurfs budget-begging in favor of the U.S. Army, so they can buy better equipment.
For the radio does not work, the satellite phone has no coverage, resources must suddenly re-prioritized and helicopters are too few, which ultimately results in this military operation catastrophic outcomes. Unexpected and expected portrayal of men in combat.
The characters are based on real people and it brings a lot of new and welcoming character traits of men in combat on the silver screen. Without irony or comedic undertones are planning the wedding gifts and agonizing mcdonalds smurfs over which color to paint the living room in, they hurt themselves, crying in pain and despair, and die quietly rattling of gunshot wounds as many other action heroes would classify as scrapes.
Something that is not new, however, is the action film's traditionally tough and over patriotic one-liners and these can be found here in abundance. Taste this, just before you fire the next fusillade against the enemy'' you can die for your country mcdonalds smurfs but I'm gonna live for mine!''. These kinds of replicas might work for the guys in "The Expendebals", but in a film that claims to be based on reality, it feels neither cool or entertaining.
What is more impressive mcdonalds smurfs is the beautiful photo and special effects, as by keeping a more subdued tone feels very realistic. Sure, I agree with Peter Berg, it is sad that so many men (and women) have been putting his life in this war (on both sides). Perhaps the American soldiers deserve their own lament, a tale relatives can tell who explains to children why their parents do not come home again, never ever.
An action fairy tale a la Walt Disney where good stands against evil, on no other grounds than that evil is evil and good is super good. Maybe give such a distorted mcdonalds smurfs and simplified worldview even solace to soldiers who participated in the Marcus Lutell have and help them to live, if not happily ever after, at least one post-traumatic stress free day at a time.
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