Li Chen rumored girlfriend, all of them are big and beautiful PK Tags: Madagascar 3 Soundtrack Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar episode soundtrack songs Category: uproar Soundtrack

LP:!! Reggae Afro Circus / i Like To Move It Firework Rescue Stefano ed edd eddy games Love Always Comes As A Surprise Non Je Ne Regrette Rien Fur Power Light The Hoop On Fire Cool Jerk Hot In Herre Game On Wannabe Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) New York City Surprise
The movie is too happy! Do not know how these boast boast a cute naughty animals it! This is two weeks in a row saw two cartoon, compared to last week's "magic pirate group," "Madagascar 3" 3D effect or whether the plot, music makes me more like it. Like cartoon friends must not miss! What's not to disclose the plot, hey ~ soundtrack is quite exciting, policewoman Animal Control Board is a major attraction, sinking mole long tongue VERY SEXY ~ her singing a song of "Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien" (" No, I do not regret it. ") It is a cover of Edith Piaf songs, selected in line with situations too ~

Madagascar 3: Europe Wanted Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted Festival Highlights: rare, constantly in progress animated series - "Variety", 3D texture bursting ... Release date: June 8, 2012 Languages / Trailer : English / 92 minutes Genre: Comedy / Animation / Adventure / Family / 3D movie Director: Eric Darnell Country: USA Movie Starring: Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Hume , Jada Ping Rick Smith, Sacha Baron Cohen Synopsis: After the lion Alex, Mama Di spot, giraffe and hippo Gloria Mailman, wandering around in Africa, began to miss from New York life. But in the infamous gorilla and penguins stupidity led the route they go home a little unusual. After seemingly crossed the ocean, they found themselves in front of a casino - it is Monte Carlo. Falling out of the sky in the casino, casino ed edd eddy games staff hired ruthless animal ed edd eddy games Authority Captain Dubois. In order to escape death, and to get home, reluctantly joined ed edd eddy games the line under a circus animal. ed edd eddy games The circus is a boss named Vitali's ed edd eddy games venerable tiger. So Alex the lion, Mama Di spot, giraffe and hippo Gloria Mailman began accompanying performances. They went through the whole of Europe, came to London. This way, jokes abound, and these four animals from the United States also helped Vitali the Siberian tiger, jaguar Ghia, sea lions and Stefano again picked up their confidence for circus performances. But, traveling in Europe, not so well, Beuys captain has been tracking them, but these animals are always ed edd eddy games thinking about their own homes as far away as New York ......

"Peru Adventure" movie theme song & Trailer
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