Sunday, December 8, 2013

The path that the bird is done, depends bip bip coyote on the speed and angle at which it went. Eve

Angry Birds are beautiful bip bip coyote creatures with little creepy dark side of. Announced the war funny piglets who have made a fatal mistake - they stole the birds eggs. Revenge is sweet. Birds slingshot to jump and fly towards the hiding pigs, while destroy everything in its path. More than destroy, bip bip coyote the better. Are satisfied, when you destroy bip bip coyote enough.
Angry Birds or Angry Birds have won the young and old. They are one of the first mobile applications that writers, in this case, the Finnish company Rovio, bring wealth. They are Finns have already started talking that their new Nokia. It is cynical, because Nokia is in trouble because it is not perceived scope and importance of smart phones, Rovio, the rich, because it is realized. Within two years, bip bip coyote they produced four applications filmed one movie, announced the cartoon bip bip coyote series, a lot of it sold souvenirs with images of angry birds. Games constantly upgraded, so that every few months available for a set of new levels, and even though it is two years for recycling old ideas, birds, people seem to not get bored.
The idea of the game is simple and unique. The aim is to destroy all the green but pigs at a certain level, while as many parts of structures made of wood, glass and stone, which are hidden. bip bip coyote Birds with unique abilities fired from slingshots. Bloating lady bird slingshots power (speed of), by changing the angle of launch but it is determined by the curve. At each level of our application is granted and the number of bird species in a given sequence. The aim is not only to destroy bip bip coyote but pigs, but also as many structures around them. The yield point, which is finally converted in the star. Since every player wants on each level to achieve enough points for three stars, do not stop playing until it fails. But this is no reason that the game is so successful. They would rather say that it is successful because they seem to launch birds, bip bip coyote their collisions and demolition of structures are true. As we think would happen if nature bip bip coyote threw a stone or fired from slingshots in poor stable structure, which would be the impact collapsed. Given the fact that the writers of the game installed base of physics (movement), this is not surprising. Birds do not fly as there in three days, the structure of the collision response with respect to speed and as a collision, all of which is based on Newton's laws. Speed of birds
Game writers managed to incorporate realism into the game with a few relatively simple algorithms. The game was designed for smart mobile phones which do not have the processing power to keep counting ballistic missile flight in all its complexity and taking into account all the variables (wind, temperature, air resistance). Instead, they took elementary physics formulas movement, all this does not take into account, so the calculations are simplified, but it is an approximation sufficiently accurate.
Let's take the most basic small red bird flying and finally crashes into the structure. It is similar to the bullet in the summer from a cannon or stone in level flight. When the 'bird' leaves the slingshot era speed and flight. Speed is comprised of two components (we have learned bip bip coyote two vectors) - vertical and horizontal speed. The horizontal velocity is unchanged, since it between bip bip coyote not affected by any force. The nature of the horizontal velocity impact force of air resistance, but this would only complicate the game play. Vertical speed is under the influence of the force of gravity, which constantly pulls the bird to the ground. The force of gravity is constant, almost dare to say that programmers take into account the value of ten meters per square second. From here it is only a computation. We do not know how much the speed of the authors anticipate the time when the bird leaves the slingshot at the highest voltage elastic. Suppose that a vertical component to the beginning of the 'on' bip bip coyote m / s and then at the time of falling. According to one tenth of a second (1/10 seconds) is reduced to (v-1) m / sec, the two (in-2) m / s, and so on, until it falls to zero. At this moment the bird at the highest point of the curve. After this point, the vertical velocity gets a negative sign, the bird starts to fall towards the ground with increasing speed because it operates by gravity (v = g * t). How far will it fly?
In the lower left corner of the bird in the frac. Its speed is divided bip bip coyote into two components, a higher proportion bip bip coyote of the vertical velocity and a smaller horizontal. Grid lines represent bip bip coyote one-tenth of a second, the yellow dots, the position of the birds after each step. Shape of the curve in a symmetric, left side is a mirror right, see, however, that the vertical distance bip bip coyote in less time, until the bird reaches bip bip coyote a maximum height, then slowly rising again. We've added some screenshots from the game, which is nice to see the curve of the year.
The path that the bird is done, depends bip bip coyote on the speed and angle at which it went. Even in this case, we have a two component paths. Horizontal distance is simply calculated as the product of horizontal velocity and time of the year. It is more difficult to simulate the vertical distance. This can be done using physical bip bip coyote formulas or by an algorithm that 'draws' point on the chart. At any time, after taking into account the way that the bird did in religions

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