Saturday, December 6, 2014


THIS BLOG IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Vodacom, TANZANIA'S LEADING CELLULAR NETWORK. | CRDB BANK - THE BANK THAT LISTENS | NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE (NBC) - Conveniently Everywhere | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND (NSSF) | PUBLIC servise Pensions Fund (PSPF). "Welcome to this community Globu. betty boop You have invited any comment going to build our nation. I urge you to everyone ajiheshimu to use language zisizochafua weather. Contained herein are not related in any way to edit and print the Daily News, Daily News and Sunday News. Comments made by readers not to GLOBU SOCIAL, is a provider itavyoelezwa unless otherwise comment. Very Akhsanteni Libeneke advance.
Prime Minister parliament Tunu Pinda and his wife were given pole mot0to albino, repentance resolves who survived the cut right hand and people who have known her parents' home four ways, Kashishi, Urambo district recently. Kalazwa child in hospital Tabora region's volatility. left-handed is the mother betty boop of the child resolves Kulwa
Prime Minister parliament Turn speaking at the meeting was ouitisha to discuss strategies betty boop to stop the killing of albinos and elderly having child Stella when he spoke with government officials, political parties, religions and persons with albinism in the hall of the Youth in the City Younger Chato Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda was greeted betty boop by Commander Mwanza Regional Police, Jamal Luambow betty boop after arriving at Mwanza airport January 20,2009, betty boop for a meeting to discuss betty boop strategies to stop the killing of albinos and elderly. His left is his wife Certification artist arts group of Bujora of Mwanza, Yassin Anrthony playing dance of snakes when Prime Minister parliament Pinda arrived at the airport Mwanza to lead the session to discuss strategies to stop the killings of albinos and elderly people on the porch of youth in the small town of Chato Prime Minister parliament Pinda was greeted by the mayors of the city of Mwanza after arriving at Mwanza airport January betty boop 20,2008 leading session to discuss strategies to stop the killing betty boop of albinos
In yesterday experts report that Tanzania has a large number of albinos than other countries in Africa. Since then I see as violence against them has increased. I think people from other countries pay people who lust for money in Bongo treat our albino brutality. Why the past year that we hear so cruel? Many have read and abide by the albino without difficulty. betty boop
everybody betty boop who has advised the councilors wear it. the hat I do not say it's like the old hunter or ma DC colonial times. These are their mantle funny too. I do not know what clothes or religion. I ask the council to seek another designer designie betty boop Uniform killed betty boop another. good luck.
Turn Lord congratulations with your family, you are ROLE MODEL, shown to react to you by your actions and ministers are required to follow in your footsteps, each with a practical show how much is the belief in the battle against poachers maaalbino. Honourable Ministers of TZ imams mutachukua one child you might to show your confidence and disgust? very numberr counts !!! Member, zenjibaar
Men Recently I watched a news report about the child actually I wept humans betty boop we have reached that point? small child does not even know his fault nor even know if he is albino. And even animals do not have that spirit. Actually we do not have differences with those who fought and killing innocent people betty boop is our differences that are only certain communities wanted. God's victory.
Why are our leaders whenever they go part work are welcomed to dance cry when they have to go to work and not ceremonially, and likely these behaviors they enjoy so much, while Europe even come who can not see the absurdity that, now ongalia dance culture they paid no wonder they re a lot of money if you do not infallible because it's going to pick someone who came to do his job.
In my opinion our government has failed to protect the albino. Sadly, until now failed to arrest a single person responsible for such inhuman. Why all albino protection should not be given 24 hours We have a police force and army to protect the nation etc ... They do not work are paid free for even bus fares do not pay --- Why not keep the the albino? Right now a Tanzanian albino security is at stake passed to the ministers betty boop and the President ... why not give them a guard? betty boop Tanzania Albino Nauhakika population does not reach even a quarter of the police force --- Give protection please. Sadly the more we Tanzanians do not think how to solve this problem we await European to come to his mind and open the NGO then you shangaaa sudden decrease murder !!! Without ka NGO and some intake Run nduguzangu Albino country !!
Albino crush them think they killed and the brain itself, remembered Tanzania is the Cave of the country its people are cruel. Elderly elderly people continue to be killed every day in magical beliefs, and do not have any means kinachofa

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