Saturday, December 20, 2014

This entry was posted barbie mermaid games in Related Film, lang: en and tagged 3D, Charlie Chaplin

Disney's "The Lion King" is back in theaters, this time in 3D. In the US, this experiment was so successful, that in the years to titles like "Finding Nemo" and "Beauty and the Beast" barbie mermaid games also edited and republished. There are also 3-D versions of James Cameron's "Titanic" and, in February 2012 and then in February of the following year, the "Star Wars" Episodes I-VI. Charlie Chaplin also is not sure. About the purpose and need can certainly argue, but 3D is now here and now times remains the time being.
When I heard that, "The Lion King" returns to the cinema, I knew that I would go in. A little bit because I was curious about the 3D conversion, but mainly because the film one of the best of its genre, and it's still something special to watch a movie in the cinema (if not exactly play DVDs - but enough of Broadway ...). And for the first time is indeed already been 16 years since (madness!).
The idea of where I was ran under the CinemaxXer Kids Cinemas (Klexi bash or something equally stupid) and, accordingly, were also a lot of parents with young children in the room - although the film in my opinion, should be 6 years old. After all, was the baby, which began on time at the beginning of the film screams away quickly.
Something I was surprised by the further composition of the audience. In addition to parents barbie mermaid games and young children put girls and young women (aged 15-25), the largest group. I would have thought that they are just a little too young to have seen the "Lion King" in the first run and now I have made similar nostalgic reason, here again, but probably were exactly the under-6-year-old about which I have been vexed in 1994. (Those who have not understood that the arising lion at the beginning not the same as the adult lion at the end.)
The 3D is certainly meant well and made, but the film gives nothing he had not already. The often-heard argument 3D let the audience better 'dip' in the scene suggests barbie mermaid games to me not really. A good story and beautiful pictures can also be achieved without 3D effects so. I have been quite good 3D seen in the movies (eg, "Toy Story 3" or "Resident Evil: After Live"), but only and only in one case, "Pina," I think it is really necessary. I have in some places barbie mermaid games (including here) read that many scenes in "The Lion King" particularly suitable for 3D conversion, since they already have a large depth or foreground / background dynamics. However, I think that this is what is one reason why 3D is not needed barbie mermaid games here: Even the normal 2D version of the film has more depth and dynamics than many later isierter 3D movie.
And the film itself: Great as ever. I had often seen him on VHS that I could have a say all dialogues; since last seeing are, however, quite a few years (10?) passed. The Animation - still drawn largely by hand - is beautiful. barbie mermaid games The Music of Hans Zimmer, Elton John and Tim Rice's still incredibly barbie mermaid games emotional. (Yes, there were tears again ...)
This entry was posted barbie mermaid games in Related Film, lang: en and tagged 3D, Charlie Chaplin, CinemaxX, Elton John, Finding Nemo, Hans Zimmer, Jeremy Irons, Pina, Star Wars, The Beauty and the Beast, barbie mermaid games The Lion King, Titanic, Trier by fog. Bookmark the permalink.
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