Friday, August 1, 2014

Appearances are misleading: we learn at the end of Volume 1 that adopted Yotsuba. So a dad caring a

More intelligent and subtle than it sounds, this is a title that goes unnoticed because unfortunately james herbert our catalog manga Frenchy which tends to publish everything and anything ... It is ...
This is the story of ... Yotsuba, a 5 year old girl who moves with his father in a new city. She, who knows at the outset that the best friend of his father, Jumbo, will quickly james herbert make friends with all the neighboring family of father and mother Ayase; Ena, the significantly older than our heroine in shorts younger; Fuka first (16) and Asagi, currently the oldest james herbert university.
This is the story of life. Or more accurately, it is the story of the life of a 5 year old child. To be more precise, Kiyohiko Azuma gives us an ode to childhood. I promise, I'll stop with the details.
In a French landscape saturated james herbert shounen blockbusters are resembling each other, of past seinen freshest and shôjos caricatures, Yotsuba is a slight breeze coming manga soothe our green lands rays.
The speech starting repel more than one: follow the life of a kid. Sure, it does not seem as exciting just another fight to save planet earth. Where did Goku and his friends?
Yet it is his rien.Grâce your slice of life comedy, Yotsuba is a catchy title for scriptwriting and graphic qualities recognized by the general public and critics. Yet nobody buys. The fault, I repeat again, a manga catalog obstructed james herbert that leaves room as friends shounen james herbert Jump almost.
Yotsuba is terribly funny. But it is not a humor which we retain only the comical side like City Hunter or Love Hina. It is not either a solely based on puns or misunderstandings as in the works of Rumiko Takahashi humor.
No, Yotsuba is a tender and touching humor. And this is what we remember when we think of the green-haired heroine. Aside from cutting completely crazy hair Yotsuba, humor comes first with genuine and colorful characters that give its flavor to the series.
Take the example of Koiwai, the father of the child. It gives absolutely no image of the ideal tutor: it is able to go in hallucinnants guts with his friend james herbert Jumbo under the eyes of his daughter, who sometimes tempers his enthusiasm! To continue, do not forget to specify james herbert that maintains a beard 2/3 days and ride mostly in shorts.
Appearances are misleading: we learn at the end of Volume 1 that adopted Yotsuba. So a dad caring and responsible, who immediately takes bigger. Despite this neglected side, Koiwai is a good parent who does not hesitate to remonstrate when necessary.
But the mangaka does not simply have an unusual graphic style: this feat not content-, Yotsuba is a work where the expressiveness of the actors makes sense. Faces are impressive varieties james herbert to believe that the designer has an infinite expressions palette.
Fine and simple style allows Azuma uses to make its more alive than ever heroes despite their eccentricity. I'm talking about faces, but I want to clarify that the boards are full of superb detail level settings.
There are no characters that do not belong in Yotsuba. All new faces that we are led to discover every time a pillar james herbert for the "history" and the evolution of the girl.
Here is an example of the Ayase family. It is a kind of ideal Japanese james herbert family with a father and a respectable mother, james herbert 3 girls uneventful characters to separate james herbert property. They may be considered to allow the girl some balance: although his father had always cherished, it lacks a female presence in Koiwai to represent the maternal side supposed to know what a child.
Moms and sisters of substitution for heroin, Ayase actively involved in their education. Ena is the sister that it is closest to the age of Yotsuba, the one we just copy and paste it to feel all day long. Fuka would rather large protective sister while qu'Asagi itself as the most stable and least this element, which monitors far at the top of the pyramid family.
Let us focus now on the poor Jumbo. He falls madly in love with Asagi without james herbert this love is (for the moment) and reciprocal known. He tends to use Yotsuba to conquer the man of her heart ... But it would be stupid not see a single Jumbo opportunist. He truly loves the girl, even if he uses ge

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