Monday, April 27, 2015

I think I

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T he golden years of Mickey Mouse necklace hardbacks weekly attached to Gazzetta dello Sport and Corriere della Sera maintained by The Walt Disney Company - Italy, paved the way.
So, after announcements of various kinds, route changes and many months of silence, even in the US will see a chronological basis, uncensored, of daily strips and Sunday pages of Mickey Mouse. Those by Floyd Gottfredson (pictured below), of course! But perhaps also of other making use of contributions from other artists.
The main difference compared to the Italian direct t edition (which this week sees the newsstand the must volume n. 19, with strips episodic absolutely rare and never before gathered together direct t in a publication by a newspaper stand, as well as two large portfolios edited by Alberto Becattini : one on the other strip of Mickey Mouse, the little known without direct t words, and on an experiment italics direct t Guido Martina: the first of parody conceived in Penisoola) is that this made in the USA is limited for the moment to the daily strips without taking consider the boards Sunday, it's all black and white and probably will be smaller format direct t of the Golden Years of Mickey Mouse. But it seems that details of this type, as well as cover price and characteristics of preparation, are to be defined.
The announcement, made with the sounding of the most important manifestrazione comic world, the Comic-Con in San Diego (which ends today), is clear: the SARRĂ€ rinimata label Fantagraphics Gary Groth to deal with: a small publishing house but essentially reliable, direct t with works in the catalog of absolute masters, from Robert Crumb in Los Bros Hernandez, by Charles M. Schulz Gahan Wilson, by Elzie Crisler Segar Jim Woodring and a historical review that has collected for decades the worldwide direct t consensus: The Comics Journal.
Information about really are "stunted" for the moment, because (says): "Fantagraphics direct t will begin releasing the collections in May 2011. No other details were Announced."
We have not spoken about it in any detail; actually, I just Told him about it a few days ago! He's very excited about it. The format is going to be slightly larger than our Peanuts books, in landscape format, two years of the strip; we'll break it off at the end of an adventure, so it might not be exactly at a two-year point. Black and white.
Well, as you probably know, Gemstone was doing the [Carl] Barks [Disney] material. direct t I think I tried to get the material from Disney Mickey Mouse at one point, and they Told me that it was Already licensed.
And then one day I saw a Mickey Mouse cover-to catastrophically designed Mickey Mouse cover, if I may say so-in the Diamond solicitations, and I was just kicking myself over not being incendio get it. Eventually, Gemstone failed, and I Realized That the license had to sono stati taken back, and I contacted Disney, and That was about two years in August We did a serious negotiation for about seven or eight months.
I think I've persuaded them to allow us to reprint it in its original form. There's direct t some sensitive material-material That would be racist Considered today, direct t and Should sono stati but was not Considered racist then. My plan and my hope is to reprint it exactly as it was, with some explanatory direct t text for a modern audience. I want to keep it intact. What was the peak of the strip's direct t popularity? It stopped being an adventure strip around 1950, and Disney's directive to Gottfredson was to turn it into a gag strip. It Became direct t somewhat less interesting then-That it lost forward momentum. direct t I do not know whether or not it Became Opinions more popular then. As an adventure strip, it was very popular. Of course, That was Mickey Mouse 's heyday as a film star and comics before he Became an icon. This is a dream project, just like "Peanuts" was. I think it's the last truly great, masterful strip That has not Been reprinted.
Below, just to add another image, the version published in America Latina de Masters Disney, our Disney series, direct t curated by Lidia Cannatella, dedicated to comics authors the most important: a publication that has caught on in the world and has been shooting direct t in various forms and with different direct t material properties from different publishers.
In some countries, Gottfre

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