Saturday, October 4, 2014

The paradox is seen when trying hellsing ultimate episode 1 to look the other way: those who locate

The potato, cost minimization and profit market-driven "Karachi
Paradoxically, some of the most ardent wild capitalism heralds joining the same ranks as communistically and anarchic minded hellsing ultimate episode 1 revolutionaries. Paradoxically, some of the most open way revolutionaries begin to fight for liberal capitalism, joining the same ranks as socialdarvinistiškais Austrians and preparing joint rallies. Even more intriguingly, that even I, both of these forces nesykį variously called, is not to oppose them. Apparently, the king simply naked.
The paradox is seen when trying hellsing ultimate episode 1 to look the other way: those who locate themselves and the business owners who are trying to criminalize all sorts of market laws and international treaties. It's not even just a paradox, and some behind. Here is a similar attempt to break through the green like the law of compulsory destruction of whales. Or any churchmen tried to introduce mandatory abortion.
To prevent someone questions what position I represent, I will say simply: the banal represent sanity. I do not advocate nor pirates, hellsing ultimate episode 1 nor Fotomanai (copyright) industry, although the latter is much more close to me, you can not deny it because I earned a considerable degree. If you are not the Internet, it is also, and I lived. But the reality is very simple: cost drops drastically. And by this I can tell you what will be the pirate and anti antipiratų end. However, I can not say how long the fight will take and what will be after all the changes.
She was beautiful, but you pirataudami it killed. Pirates hellsing ultimate episode 1 - as leprosy hellsing ultimate episode 1 infection to cancer-killing business. Pirataudami, you save money and destroy the beauty. Instead, you've got a zombie hellsing ultimate episode 1 beauty. Are you sure you wanted?
The economic reality is simple: For several years there is a strong change in the information market, and the massive piracy - it's just a symptom of the change. Fighting symptoms mean only disproportionate costs and problems, but does not alter the final outcome hellsing ultimate episode 1 - Fotomanai hellsing ultimate episode 1 industry is on the verge of collapse due to the inability to adapt to rapid Cost is fantastic fall so desperately trying to secure income for yourself delusions propaganda, law and violence.
Such cases in the history of mankind hellsing ultimate episode 1 has been a lot. Of these cases and the information market - hundreds of years ago, in case of release of books began to fall down monasteries profits scam, all also became the burning of books, the publishers and the persecution of heretics, and so on. Then, too, were somehow dangstomasi Morality, faith and the like, but the old industry collapsed. Indeed, the economic processes: reproduction of books printing machine cheapen publishing hundreds of times. With a high hand ripped at the cost price of the books used to work in the monasteries have not been able to evolve, dropped out of the game and lost influence.
Now, too, goes something like this: people are inclined towards unconscious delusions about the theft of billions (average Lithuanian allegedly stolen by the few thousand annually), attempts hellsing ultimate episode 1 to criminalize hellsing ultimate episode 1 the public side, and even stories that the fight against piracy is needed to curb pedophiles and terrorists (yes, the United States and Canada have it came up). At least it seems spiritually and all sorts of pirate talking about the fact that "if it were cheaper, then buy the. All the talk is only dvasinguminės attempt hellsing ultimate episode 1 to deny the elementary changes in the market.
Throughout all this morality hellsing ultimate episode 1 is just all sorts of sand in the eye. Everything is about money and economic laws. And I will explain the laws as usual, but shall be able to. Who does not understand - let's blame himself.
At the market, you are never sure whether or not buy rotten potatoes. And if they are rotten, it will not have anyone to complain about even. Legal potatoes - a healthy and good quality. Therefore, think twice before pirataudami.
Let us suppose that the potatoes are very expensive and exotic thing *. They have recently hellsing ultimate episode 1 come out of some kind in South America, to sow the seeds, and then two years raising **, and has cultivated the small cape, they sell for about 200 litas per kilogram ***. Lithuanians are buying them for Christmas, during which boils national potato dumplings - after a tiny miserable cepelinuką each member of the family, instead of edible plotkelių. Similarly cepelinukus boils and other celebrations - birthdays, etc.. This is a festive and luxurious dish.
Let so much grown and sold a kilo of potatoes cost 100 litas, and the margin, which is already on the cost užsimetama sales - 100 percent. It's hellsing ultimate episode 1 all very well, profit goes, business is turning. Entrepreneurs annually sells some 10 thousand tons of potatoes. In other words - 10 million pounds. This means that every year gets 1 billion profit. Business is growing and investing. Every year, new and are built more greenhouses from seeds grown in two years, the yield of potatoes. Greenhouses terrible cost money for heating with

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